This morning, I had to hurry to Momfinish packing for my trip to Texas. I rolled my suitcase to the backdoor of our house, making it ready for a quick exit. I was already about half an hour later than I planned to leave the house. Decided it would be prudent to glance over my ‘do not forget’ list once more. Sports jacket for Mike (my husband) was on the list. “Oh yes, he asked me to bring him one,” I thought. Funny, when we talked on the phone the other night, he said “Remember to bring a sports jacket.” I had forgotten he had asked me to bring one for himself. I though he was wanting me to bring one for myself. I’m glad I checked my ‘do not forget’ list once more & glad I had written it down as “sports jacket for Mike.” I sat at the airport waiting for my connecting flight feeling full from my meal at Friday’s, sipping my ‘to go’ unsweetened iced tea. People were passing by rolling their suitcases. I hear two dings from my cell phone, signaling a message. I check it. It was my husband messaging, “See you soon.”

I used to write letters home to my mom when sitting in the waiting room at car appointments. If I were to write a letter to Mom today (which happens to be the anniversary of her passing) what might I say? Perhaps something like this . . .“Things are keeping me busy. I was able to get tax information together, taken over and dropped off to our accountant yesterday. Hope I did OK with it. I didn’t have enough time to gather up all of my expenses. Trying to carve out more time to work on my second book. Recently decided to make some changes. I will have to work out some new details in the scenes . . .”

Albert Einstein once said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Having time to sit and reflect gives one time to organize their thoughts & think of new ideas. With writing, you may want to just start typing and see where it takes you. Time passes by quickly when you work on a writing project.

Still at the airport, I checked my watch. Time to catch my connecting flight. There was a gate change, of course. Luckily, I was able to walk quickly to the new gate location and make my flight.

When my husband & I got to the hotel room tonight, I unpacked my suitcase. Took Mike’s sports jacket from the front zipper pocket of the suitcase where I had hurriedly stuffed it this morning and handed it to him. He said, “Thanks. That’s the one I would have picked. Glad you brought it.”

Back to my letter . . . “Thank you helping me with so many things. Hope things are going well. Miss you.


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