author, speaker, media guest
Janet Kassalen’s first children’s book, “Flip Flap Try . . . A Cardinal’s Journey” was originally a project written as a speech for the Toastmasters International Story Telling Advanced Manual. In June 2015, Ms. Kassalen received the Distinguished Toastmasters award which is the highest award for Toastmasters International.
Soon after she wrote and delivered this speech for the first time, Janet had the idea that one day she would publish her story. In November 2016, she started working with a Professional Author Assistant and a Book Coach, and her speech transformed into a powerful children’s story with a grownup meaning.
Janet published her second children’s book, “A Penguin Family . . . Finding Joy” in October 2021 and looks forward to writing a story about her family.
Ms. Kassalen lives at home with her husband. Janet enjoys playing viola in an all volunteer orchestra, and the harp (which her husband built for her). Playing classical music feeds her soul. Her current hobby is learning to play banjo.
Download Janet’s Expert Sheet
Press Release Author Book Launch A Penguin Family . . . Finding Joy – October 1, 2021
Press Releasae Author Book Launch Flip Flap Try . . . A Cardial’s Journey – July 7, 2017
Book launch date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021, from 6:00-7:00 PM EST on Zoom. Guest speakers, book reading with Author, Janet Kassalen, and
giveaways, and more!
Author book launch date: Friday, July 7, 2017, at 11:00 a.m. at Farbach-Werner Nature Preserve in the Ellenwood Nature Barn.
More book signings and author book launch events coming soon!
“‘Flip Flap Try’ is a book that should be a gift for every child. Imagine what our world would be like if every person were empowered to find the career that used their strengths every day! If the shame of moving to find the right “fit” were removed, as adults we would find our self-esteem, productivity and sense of purpose soar. Not only is ‘Flip Flap Try’ going to be on my gift giving list for children, it will be a book purchased for my clients who are struggling to find their dream job.”
Kay Fittes, CEO, High-Heeled Success, LLC
“I love this story. ‘Flip Flap Try . . . A Cardinal’s Journey’ tells the story of Rainer, a little cardinal trying to find his place in the world. The importance of persistence and reaching out to others for help are expertly woven throughout the narrative.
This is a must read for younger children to help them instill important life-long positive mindsets.
Well done, Janet!”
Michael Davis, Author, THE Book on Storytelling
“Janet’s delightful story will inspire children to explore and discover new paths and will encourage adults to facilitate those efforts. Adults might decide to pursue their own new journey.
Joyce Benge
“This story stresses the importance of not giving up and persisting until you find something that incites passion within you.”
Elisa Gallon
“Flip Flap Try…A Cardinal’s Journey” is a beautifully written testimony to courage and bravery in children.
I’ve just finished reading Janet Kassalen’s “Flip Flap Try…A Cardinal’s Journey,” and I already want a sequel. The book encourages children to be brave and strong in a time when those qualities are sorely needed.
Rainier, the protagonist of Janet Kassalen’s “Flip Flap Try…A Cardinal’s Journey,” isn’t thrilled with the typical tasks expected of young cardinals, so he decides to look for a job that’ll make him truly happy.
This book logs a litany of qualities that delight young readers: sound words and active verbs, grouchy squirrels and kindly a(u)nts! More importantly, the story encourages children to pursue new directions of interest, and not to be dissuaded from discovering tasks that make them and others happy.
A fun and meaningful reading experience, “Flip Flap Try . . . A Cardinal’s Journey” is a trip that reveals paths of perseverance, diversity and, ultimately, joy.”
Mark O’Hara, PhD, Educational Leadership
- Musically inclined: plays viola in a local community orchestra; learning to play the banjo.