One journey ends and a new one begins.


Isn’t life really about going from one journey to the next? But sometimes we’re afraid to move out of our comfort zone – we feel safe because we have a job, we think we need to follow what the grownups tell us because they’re older and know everything, right, and if we don’t follow the status quo (gasp!) then people will think we’re a rebel or worse “weird.” My story about Rainier allows you to dismiss all the “stuff” you’ve been told or learned or held onto and choose to follow your dreams to do what makes you thrive and more importantly, what makes you happy. 

Even before I started writing the adventures of Rainier, I knew there was a story to tell and Rainier’s journey needed to be shared. Last last fall I decided to take the plunge and begin the process of bringing Rainier’s journey to life. Though it wasn’t always easy, with the many drafts, edits, choosing which illustrations to use, and all the other tasks needed to bring you Rainier’s journey, I knew Rainier’s self-confidence to eventually find his joy would touch everyone in some way. 

Rainier’s excursion has started; join him as he leaves the safety of his family nest and searches for a job he enjoys performing but is also rewarding. Meet Mr. Gray, the squirrel, who gives him his first job away from home, and be there as Aunt Patty, a dear family friend, welcomes Rainier into her colony. Laugh with the little boy Rainier helps thanks to everything Rainier learns through his personal journey. 

As someone said:

“. . . delightful story will inspire children to explore and discover new paths and will encourage adults to facilitate those efforts. Adults might decide to pursue their own new journey.”

I hope you enjoy the story of Rainier as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you decide to make a change and leap from one journey to the next, remember Rainier’s courage and go for it! You can purchase the book here or on Amazon.




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